WE ARE For Future-Facing companies to become community-driven inside and out 

We are committed to guiding businesses and organizations toward community-driven success by:

Strategic Guidance: Providing expert insights and tailored strategies that transform passive audiences into engaged and valuable communities.

Innovation: Staying at the forefront of community-building trends to continuously refine our methods and approaches.

Empowerment: Equipping our partners with skills and confidence to lead and sustain thriving communities that make a lasting impact.

Collaboration: Fostering a collaborative partnership with our partners, understanding their unique goals, and co-creating strategies that align with their vision.

Measurable Impact: Co-creating strategies that deliver measurable outcomes, ensuring that our partners see the value of the developed community strategy in their journey forward.



Understand the challenge and opportunity ahead, and map the entire project and stakeholders involved. Decide on critical success factors, make maximum impact and ways to measure outcomes


In a series of workshops and sessions, we engage key stakeholders such as partners, employees, and clients to decide on focus, ideate, and find transformative solutions.

Co-CreatE STrategy

We co-create the structure and strategy for setting or improving your company’s community strategy in departments such as marketing, HR, or L&D. We identify and introduce key figures to best execute the strategy.

theory library for community

  • This theory states that the human brain has three distinct components: the reptilian brain (survival instincts), the limbic brain (emotions and drives), and the neocortex (logic and reason).

    Brands can appeal to these different components of the brain by creating a community that addresses survival instincts (such as safety and security), emotions and drives (such as social connection and identity), and logic and reason (such as innovation and sustainability).

  • xx

  • Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people's innate growth tendencies and innate psychological needs. It pertains to the motivation behind people's choices in the absence of external influences and distractions. SDT focuses on the degree to which human behavior is self-motivated and self-determined

    Basic psychological needs theory which proposes three basic psychological needs that must be satisfied to foster well-being and health. These three psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness are generally universal (i.e., apply across individuals and situations). However, some needs may be more salient than others at certain times and be expressed differently based on time, culture, or experience. SDT identifies three innate needs that, if satisfied, allow optimal function and growth

  • The Ringelmann effect is the tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases.

    This effect, discovered by French agricultural engineer Maximilien Ringelmann (1861–1931), illustrates the inverse relationship that exists between the size of a group and the magnitude of group members’ individual contribution to the completion of a task.

    While studying the relationship between process loss (i.e., reductions in performance effectiveness or efficiency) and group productivity, Ringelmann (1913) found that having group members work together on a task (e.g., pulling a rope) actually results in significantly less effort than when individual members are acting alone.

    Ringelmann discovered that as more and more people are added to a group, the group often becomes increasingly inefficient, ultimately violating the notion that group effort and team participation reliably leads to increased effort on behalf of the members.

  • We Humans Need To Belong - emotional connection is what keeps us connected to a brand

    Second Nature

  • We Humans feel we are part of something bigger - companies can provide the structure for that

    Second Nature

  • We humans want to be seen, heard and valued - let us give our gifts and we are more invested

    Second Nature

Get in touch.

Let’s explore how we can create community value together.